What is Q, Terminus and Terminus Squared? Q, Terminus and Terminus Squared refers to the three build methods / technologies for our major programs. “Q” is the...
How Many Loops Should I Listen To (Multiple Titles)? Note: This article is outdated. There are new, simplified listening instructions HERE. This pattern can be used, however, by advanced...
LEGACY: How Many Loops Should I Listen To (Single Title)? Note: This article is outdated. There are new, simplified listening instructions HERE. This pattern can be used, however, by advanced...
How Do I Speed Up Subliminal Results? Journaling and taking action are incredibly important to having earth shattering results. We have had reports from individuals achieving complete...
What is the Solace Mask and What Does it Do? Solace is our exclusive new subliminal mask technology that will change your listening experience. We know that the current “tricking...
Can I Use Ultima Cores in Q Custom and Vice Versa? Yes and yes, and you can receive amazing results with both use cases. As of right now, ALL modules are...