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  3. What is an Ultrasonic Subliminal?

What is an Ultrasonic Subliminal?

Our subliminals use our exclusive ultrasonic ActiveAudioTM technology. It works like this:

Sound waves exist as variations of pressure in a medium such as air. They are created by the vibration of an object, which causes the air surrounding it to vibrate. The vibrating air then causes tiny hairs in the human ear to vibrate, which the brain interprets as sound.

While the human ear can theoretically hear up to 20khz, most people generally stop consciously perceiving the sound at around 16khz, but the brain still processes the sound. Our subliminal programs reside in this range, allowing you to play them anywhere at any time, maximizing your exposure time and enhancing your results.

You can easily see for yourself by using the free “FrequenSee” app—a frequency analyzer available for both Android and iOS—used to take the following screenshots.

When an ultrasonic subliminal program is playing, you’ll see the “peak” at the far right of the screenshot.

When the subliminal is turned off, the 16khz to 20khz range will remain much more “flat.” Try it for yourself!

Here’s what you need to know about ultrasonic programs: even though you can’t hear them, they’re actually very, very LOUD. Regardless, they’re generally safe if you listen to them at a reasonable volume level. While listening on speakers, use Frequensee to determine the decibel level (db, left side). Make sure to never play an ultrasonic program over -20 db.

If you’re going to use headphones, please be sure to turn it down to the lowest volume levels for your phone (25% or less). If you begin to experience tinnitus, stop using earbuds or headphones immediately and use speakers.

Don’t expose children—and especially babies—to ultrasonic audio. Also, some pets may exhibit signs of distress to ultrasonic audio. If that’s the case, please discontinue exposure.

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